Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The High-Velocity Handbasket: We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us!

How did this happen??!?!?! I grew up during the Reagan Revolution. The Communists were the bad guys. The liberals were a bunch of wacko hippy leftovers. We still said the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of school. Now, I don't even recognize my country.

Hell, I think about the country my parents told me the United States of America was, and then I read the history books from 1950 onward, and wonder WTF? I was brought up being told that America was a "free country", that if you work hard and are clever you can achieve the "American Dream". I was taught that you can say whatever you think and so can anyone else, so don't get your feelings hurt. I was taught that even though we had no guns, someday when I grew up I could buy as whatever and however many guns I might want. It was weird to be gay, wrong to shack-up outside of marriage, and ungentlemanly to get a girl knocked-up. We just said "NO!" to drugs. Christopher Columbus was a hero, Thomas Jefferson was the father of freedom, and the Pilgrims were brave and righteous.

Now I have to use my Social Security number to hook-up the electricity to my house. You can be arrested for failure to show ID to a law-enforcement officer. "Paper's please..." When was the last time we had a presidential candidate who wasn't a millionaire? How are you supposed to achieve the American dream when you start off with $50,000 in student loans, $10,000 in credit card debt, a car payment and a house payment? Reading aloud from the Bible is hate speech, but a band of homosexual activists in face masks storming into a church service to shout blasphemies and throwing condoms is protected speech. A Navy chaplain is court-martialed for praying in Jesus name, but Howard Stern can show porn stars masturbating on his show. The Passion of the Christ is anti-semitic (even though Jesus and all the apostles were Jews?), but William Ayers, the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan get a free pass as buddies of the President-elect. If someone in my workplace mocks Christianity with a string of expletives, that is protected. But if I explain to them why I believe, I'm violating their civil rights and creating a hostile work environment.

Kindergarteners in California are made to sign a statement of affirmation, support and protection for GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, & Transgender) peoples. Elementary students are forbidden from writing "Merry Christmas" on their artwork, but are required to dress in traditional Islamic garb and recite Muslim prayers during Ramadan--as a multi-cultural learning experience, of course. Nativities are banned from town squares, and crosses removed from city seals. But the Muslim call to worship echoes over a loud speaker in Michigan.

Less than .5% of firearms used in criminal activity were legally purchased (so what is accomplished by banning them, if they're being acquired illegally anyway?) What that means is that 99.5% of firearms owners never use them illegally. There is no difference in the criminal use among those firearms covered by the Clinton gun-ban, now that they are legal. In otherwords, the effectiveness of the ban was nill. In fact, firearms are used less in violent crime than fists, hands, feet, brooms, dishes and shoes. But a .22LR squirrel rifle is about to be outlawed because it doesn't have to be cocked between shots. And when AKs, ARs, and SKS's are banned from those who buy them legally, to use them legally, only the criminals and thugs will have them. And the thugs will have tactical superiority over the law-abiding citizen trying to protect his family and property.

The entertainment industry made it seem glamorous to be promiscuous, so promiscuity rates went up. There's no such thing as a gentleman or chivalry anymore. We're all just a bunch of animals, trying to scratch our itch with the first available object that will accomodate us. Young men abandoned any attempt at restraint. Girls-Gone-Wild has gone mainstream and young woman are as sexually predatory as young men. Porn used to be seedy and embarassing. Now it's cool.

Over half of all entrants into the U.S. military now require a waiver for drug use.

Columbus was a butcher, Thomas Jefferson a racist pervert and the Pilgrims were a bunch of imperialist, religious fanatics.

Somewhere along the way, we were infiltrated by the enemy, indoctrinated and converted. Next thing you know we'll be electing communists, marrying gays, and turning our national security over to the influence of Islamic fundamentalists. Oh wait... We already are.


Kirk said...

I would like to tell you how wrong you are, but.......I can't.
Just remember He is still king and He is still on the throne. I am constantly having to remind myself, several times a day.

Tangerine said...

He is still King, and He is still on the throne. I know that I am not doubting Him, but I think that we who call ourselves Christ followers often forget that He was King when our brothers were fed to the lions in an arena. He was King when our brothers were hunted down for practicing water baptism instead of sprinkling. He is King now, while our brothers and sisters throughout the world are imprisoned and tortured and killed for their faith. He has truly not given us a heart of fear, but I think that often we want to ignore the fact that this doesn't mean there won't be things to fear. So, we square our shoulders, and join the fight. Maybe words are only a small piece of it, but they can change hearts and minds.

Steve, I appreciate every day how you are able to explain things. You always give order to my thoughts and feelings, a place that I can point and say, "yes, that's exactly how I feel!" I'm just not always able to define it. Keep writing!